Ensuring stability in the energy market is crucial for Russia and Saudi Arabia, as it balances oil supply and demand


By Sima

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 The OPEC+ framework, including Russia and Saudi Arabia, aims to stabilize the oil market by coordinating  


By Sima

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Putin and the crown prince expressed appreciation for the positive results and cooperation fostered by the OPEC+ deal.


By Sima

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 Saudi Arabia voiced concerns about the lack of transparency in Russian oil production


By Sima

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The OPEC+ meeting resulted in the decision to extend production cuts until the end of 2024, with Saudi Arabia voluntar


By Sima

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Despite commitments to production cuts, recent data suggests an increase in Russian crude oil exports, making it  


By Sima

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 Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman emphasized the need for transparency regarding Russia's  


By Sima

Image Source: Google

The conversation between Putin and the crown prince highlighted efforts to maintain energy market stability. While cooperation within OPEC+ 


By Sima

Image Source: Google